Thursday 20 November 2008

Count Zvookula

Count Zvookula is the name of my latest tune that is on [in the mp3 player on the front page].

it is a bit of a balls-up really, im not happy with it yet.. as usual.... but i think the feeling is still in the song, which is why i uploaded it. Its a continuation of the style i did in the hiphopottermousse track, as some of the more brainy of you might have realised....

The name is a bit of a joke at my own expense. those of you who know me, probably know about my history of insomnia. I think its mainly due to laziness...

and having no life....


i feel like quoting alan partridge now, but i shall resist the temptation.

rise above it.

there we go.

the voices at the start say...:

"im sorry to drag you up....

vampires are at large i tell you....



dr zed

Wednesday 19 November 2008

news 19/11/08

So i have revamped my website proper:

i have given it a bit of a spring clean. Despite the fact that we are still in november... i like to think im ahead of the time...

I have got rid of the cobwebs and million boring-ass menus. it is a simple affair now, you will be pleased to know.

A couple of people have said that they wanted to buy certain tracks that i have done, and i have put the ones that have been suggested on the website, they are in MP3 format. none of that itunes DRM malarky.

I am a firm believer in music being free, infact i think that all media should be free. But since ive been writing my own songs ive realised that my idealism is hard to maintain when i receive my monthly bank statements! hahah.

So there is now an online shop with a few of my tracks for sale.

If you're feeling generous you can exchange your hard earned pennies for some dr zvook musical goodness.

The remixes that i do will be available on the free download section of the website.

If you re feeling even more generous you can donate on the contact page using the tipit thingy. Its just a simple paypal affair.

If you purchase some of the songs ill promise to work a bit harder and make some better songs, and the process shall continue, sooner or later an album will magically appear infront of me, and one that ill be happy with putting my name to.

Anyway. if your reading this, i hope all is well.


dr zed

Saturday 15 November 2008

the mad tea party

the mad tea party.mp3 - dr zvook

This one ain't been on the myspace yet.

i did it yesterday, its a bit hectic and mental.


its not on itunes or anything yet, so that button wont work! hahah.

dr zed

Wednesday 12 November 2008

electrosexual [new song]

so this was a track i did very quickly (its the way i work). im very lazy you see. ;P

its called "electro sexual"

I dont really know why its called that, it just kind of happened i guess.....



you would have thought the girl above would have thought to brush her hair. shes as bad as me.


dr zed

Thursday 6 November 2008

news 6/11/08

So this is my new little hide out.

dont tell anyone.

its a secret ;D

just between you and me.... ;P

ill post my new songs up here first.

- ive revamped "zigzagzed" [see top right link] - which is bascially my myspace blog as a website. its gone all retro.

- and the other one i do is the free software for music makers site. [makingwaves4free] Its still the same, but will get an update shortly.

-ive also reworked this site a bit, so its all coming together slowly.

dr zed

Wednesday 5 November 2008


this is me just "chillaxing".

god i hate people who say that.

dr zed

Roots remix by dr zvook


download link (copy and paste into browser) its free ;D